STATUTE of the Permanent Organizing Committee of IASS Polish Chapters


1. By the initiative of IASS President Stefan Medwadowski expressed during first LSCE conference held on 25-29 September 1995 in Warsaw, the IASS Polish Chapter was formed by Prof. J.B. Obrębski and 11 members on the first meeting at February 23, 1996 held in the building of Civil Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology. In the beginning there were existing two groups of members. Information about this is published in LSCE II 1996 book. Up to 2009 the one, big Polish Chapter was successively extended up to 55 persons.

2. New document “IASS Policy on Chapters” approved on 26 October 2008 and corrected in 2009 by IASS Executive Council has defined new regulations of the Association on Chapters. There are specified detailed regulations for following matters:
a. Formation of an IASS Chapter.
b. Membership of IASS Chapter.
c. Number of members in a Chapter.
d. Categories of membership.
e. Chapter Representative.
f. Chapter Members.
g. Governance of the Chapter.
h. Duration of Chapters.
These regulations are published also in LSCE 2010 and LSCE 2011 books.

3. According to new IASS regulations and on the basis of sixteen years of experience and cooperation in organizing seminars Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering (LSCE), were formed the small IASS Polish Chapters and have been set up the Permanent Organizing Committee of IASS Polish Chapters. This Committee, hereinafter referred to as POC of IASS PCs or simply as Committee, was appointed on the meeting held on 10 February 2011 in room 119 of Faculty of Civil Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology. Members of IASS PCs, who participated in founding meeting, together with two absent representatives of PCs, constituted first composition of the Committee. These members are listed in Appendix 1 to this Statute.

4. The Minutes of this, above mentioned, organizing meeting was approved as initial, temporary version of the Statute at the general meeting of IASS PCs in Łódź 02 December 2011. Its complete English text was published in the Proceedings of the XVII LSCE 2011 Seminar and is quoted in Appendix 2. 5. Since the previous version of the Statute was temporary and did not fulfill all the requirements for such a document, the Committee presents its first regular version, which is the content of this document.

Objectives of the activity of the Committee

6. The POC of IASS PCs is formed for preserving and continuing achievements of sixteen previous LSCE meetings on Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering, started in 1995.

7. The objective of the Permanent Organizing Committee of IASS Polish Chapters is to facilitate cooperation between the IASS PCs, assistance in organizing future LSCE seminars, promoting activities of PCs IASS and supervision of LSCE publications.

8. The POC of IASS PCs will form a permanent part of Organizing Committees of future LSCE Seminars.

9. The POC of IASS PCs is responsible for friendly relations – as in whole IASS, coordination of scientific activities of IASS Polish Chapters including all its members. Organization of Permanent Organizing Committee

10. IASS PCs will meet at the annual General Meeting, during subsequent seminars LSCE. During the meeting, any matters concerning activities of PCs are discussed and undertaken decisions defined by Statute.

The General Meeting appoints  the Permanent Organizing Committee of IASS PCs.

11. The Committee shall consist of the Chairmen (Representatives) of all Polish Chapters of IASS and IASS Officers, if any, such as Honorary Members, members of Executive Council or Advisory Board. They may also be co-opted, by voting, from other members of the Polish Chapters, previously submitted by e-mail.

12. The POC of IASS PCs can be extended up to 15 persons, by voting on General Meeting. The Honorary Members and IASS Officers are additional to mentioned above 15 persons – extends the number.

13. The POC has two officers: Chairman and Secretary. They are elected on General Meeting from members of the POC of IASS PCs for three-year term. The best, they should be the members of IASS Executive Council or IASS Advisory Board.

14. Rules for decision making within the Committee:
a. POC has at least one meeting a year, during the LSCE seminar. If this is necessary due to urgent matters, the Chairman may convene an additional meeting.
b. The Permanent Committee will be taking decisions by simple majority of votes.
c. Changes of regulations, which are set in this Statute, can take place by secret voting, by simple majority during General Meeting.
d. Current issues of minor importance can be processed by correspondence i.e. by e-mails between members of Permanent Committee, by voting.

Organization of LSCE Conferences

15. The annual LSCE seminars will be held rotationally in particular cities, proposed by IASS PCs members, preferably in the cities where are located the Chapters – in the first Friday of each December.

16. The annual LSCE seminars can be organized by particular Chapter, City or Centre no more frequently than every three years.

17. The election of the location of successive Seminar will be done during each actual LSCE seminar on General Meeting, by voting, from among proposals previously submitted by e-mail or letter to the Committee.

18. The Organizing Committee of annual LSCE Seminar will be composed each time of members of the Permanent Organizing Committee of IASS PCs and three representatives of a Chapter, City or Centre organizing seminar in this particular year.

19. The chairman of Organizing Committee of successive LSCE XXXX will be representative of the Chapter, City or Centre organizing Seminar in particular year. He is obligated to assure organizational as well as financial services for Seminar, in accordance with this Statute and in consultation and cooperation with the Chairman of the POC of IASS PCs.

Proceedings of the LSCE Seminars

20. Proceedings of the future LSCE seminars will keep the current graphic and publishing form, developed in the previous seventeen seminars. Editors of subsequent editions will strive to qualify them as a monograph. Current requirements for the monograph are quoted in Appendix 3.
21. As co-editors of particular LSCE proceedings or monographs will appear Chairman of POC of IASS PCs and (on second position) main representative of Chapter, City or Centre organizing current annual Seminar.

22. The editorial works associated with proceedings or monograph will be led by Organizer of actual Seminar together with Chairman of POC of IASS PCs, with the support of prof. J.B. Obrębski, if possible. The latter will be responsible for the final format of the publication – conference book.

23. The POC of IASS PCs will appoint the LSCE Scientific Committee, which will have permanent character, for the subsequent seminars. Composition of the Scientific Committee will be updated annually at the meeting of the POC of IASS PCs. The current composition of the Scientific Committee will be entirely listed in every LSCE XXXX book.

24. The papers submitted for publication in the proceedings (monograph) should be reviewed by at least two reviewers selected from among the members of the Scientific Committee.

25. In the LSCE publication will be printed following groups of texts:
a. Current information on activity of IASS PCs;
b. Full texts of papers submitted and accepted by reviewers – fulfilling the requirements for the monograph;
c. Communicates – not reviewed, which do not fulfill the requirements for the monograph;
d. Table of Contents;
e. Key words index;
f. Author’s index;

26. The papers printed in parts b) and c) of the LSCE book should be related to the definition elaborated for LSCE’1995 conference, by wide team of international famous engineers and scientists:

DEFINITION: The lightweight structure belong to civil engineering objects, erected by peoples, which distinguish in relation to similar erected up till now, by relatively small amount of build in material and assuring simultaneously extremely high exploitation parameters: large spans of roofs or bridges without middle supports, height of buildings, towers or masts and extremely large useful surface or free volume of
buildings, tanks or reservoirs. It is intended that all following topics can be included: spatial lattice structures, plate and shell structures, domes and membranes, high-rise buildings, towers, reservoirs, bridges,
thin-walled, tension, cable and pneumatic structures. Any kind of material and structures can be discussed which corresponds with above definition. Also all methods of analysis as: analytical, numerical and experimental are welcomed.

27. Full texts of accepted papers – chapters of the monograph must have a minimum length 6 up to 10 pages of the format A4 in full colours, in two columns with 8 point characters, in font similar to the Times New Roman, complying with the requirements for the monograph. Organizers / editors cannot publish the papers in parts (e.g. the abstracts, only).

28. Communicates published in the book are shorter than 6 pages
of above format.

29. The monograph will be printed, in form of hardcover book with ISBN number.

30. The duty of the Organizer – the main representative of Chapter, City or Centre organizing current Seminar is to ensure that issues related to author’s copyright are maintained.

31. Printing publications in high quality can result in additional costs for the organizers. Prof. J.B. Obrębski pledged himself for covering, until it will be for possible him, costs differences.

Other activities of the Committee

32. The POC of IASS PCs will undertake activities for creating maintaining Internet website for LSCE-IASS PCs, on which will be published information concerning permanent activity of IASS Polish Chapters, current LSCE seminars, and IASS in general. The service of the website will be provided by Faculty of Architecture of the Wroclaw University of Technology.

Other regulations

33. The name of “Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering”, symbol of UNIDOM dome and logo – letters: LSCE’XX in ellipses placed in circle, all elaborated by J.B. Obrębski are reserved for the seminars organized by POC of IASS PCs, only.

34. The members of IASS PCs not respecting regulations of above Statute therefore decided to exclude themselves from our society. It should be confirmed on General Meeting of
POC of IASS PCs by proper discussion and voting.

35. The Chairman of the POC of IASS PCs is empowered - after consultations with members of POC of IASS PCs, to take independent, extraordinary intervention, when organization of annual LSCE clearly is not proceeded according to the  regulations of this Statute. The decision shall have immediate effect. In such case, the decision should be assessed by nearest General Meeting of POC of IASS PCS. Introducing regulations

36. This Statute was presented and accepted at 7 December 2012, during General Meeting of Polish Chapter of IASS, held in Warsaw at the Military Technical Academy (WAT), organized by Prof. W. Przybyło.

37. New composition of the Permanent Organizing Committee of IASS Polish Chapters was approved at the above General Meeting, after the approval of the Statute, is given in Appendix 4.

Appendix 1.

List of persons who constituted first composition of the Permanent Organizing Committee of IASS Polish Chapters at the founding meeting held on 10 February 2011 in room 119 of Faculty of Civil Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology.
1. Persons participating personally in the founding meeting:

1. dr eng. Anna Barszcz
2. dr eng. Zbigniew Bieniek
3. associate prof. dr hab. eng. Irena Gołębiowska
4. associate prof. dr hab. eng. Leszek Małyszko
5. associate prof. dr hab. eng. Jarosław Mirski
6. full prof. dr hab. eng. Jan B. Obrębski
7. dr eng. Romuald Tarczewski

2. Persons participating in the founding meeting by proxies:

1. M.Sc. eng. arch. Konrad B. Obrębski
2. dr eng. Maciej Piekarski
3. associate prof. dr hab. eng. Wacław Przybyło
4. associate prof. dr hab. eng. Adam Reichhart

3. Representatives of IASS PCs absent at the founding meeting:

1. dr eng. Waldemar Bober
2. associate prof. dr hab. eng. Marcin Kamiński

Appendix 2.

The complete English text of the “Minutes” regarded as initial, temporary version of the Statute, drawn up ​​at the founding meeting of the Permanent Organizing Committee of IASS Polish Chapters, held on 10 February 2011 in room 119 of Faculty of Civil Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology and approved at the general meeting of IASS PCs in Łódź on 02 December 2011, quoted from XVII LSCE 2011 book.

1. In the meeting have taken part seven persons, according to attached list. Three next persons have sent commissions on hands of secretary (doctor R. Tarczewski (added by JBO)), together with support for taken on action.

2. All assembled persons recognize as appropriate and necessary to hold and to continue achievements of sixteen previous LSCE meetings on Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering.

3. Assembled have appointed „Permanent Organizing Committee of IASS PCs”. To the Permanent Committee enter listed in alphabetic order:

1) dr eng. Anna Barszcz
2) dr eng. Zbigniew Bieniek
3) dr eng. Waldemar Bober
4) associate prof. dr hab. eng. Irena Gołębiowska
5) associate prof. dr hab. eng. Marcin Kamiński
6) associate prof. dr hab. eng. Leszek Małyszko
7) associate prof. dr hab. eng. Jarosław Mirski
8) M.Sc. eng. arch. Konrad B. Obrębski
9) full prof. dr hab. eng. Jan B. Obrębski – chairman
10) dr eng. Maciej Piekarski
11) associate prof. dr hab. eng. Wacław Przybyło
12) associate prof. dr hab. eng. Adam Reichhart
13) dr hab. eng. Romuald Tarczewski – secretary

4. The Committee will be responsible for coordination of IASS Polish Chapters activities and will be forming permanent part of Organizing Committees of LSCE Seminars. The Permanent Committee will be taking up decisions with ordinary majority of votes. The changes of settled here regulations can take place by ordinary majority of votes, too. It was established, that current matters of minor importance, can be processed in correspondence way by e-mails between members of Permanent Committee, by acclamation.

5. It was established, that annual LSCE seminars will be held rotationally in particular towns, as in before terms – in the first Friday of December.

6. The election of the location of successive Seminar will be done during of each actual LSCE seminar, by voting, from among previously declared proposals.

7. The Organizing Committee of annual LSCE Seminar will be composed each time from members of Permanent Organizing Committee of IASS PC and representatives of a Centre organizing seminar in particular year.

8. The chairman of Organizing Committee of successive LSCE XXXX will be representative of the Centre organizing Seminar in particular year. He is obligated to assure as well organizing as financial services for Seminar.

9. It was established, that will be taken up works for transformation of hitherto existing form of LSCE Seminar publication in the monograph. The Ladies prof. I. Gołębiowska and dr A. Barszcz have obligated themselves to recognize of associated with it formal requirements.

10. It was established, that as editors of particular monographs will appear prof. J. Obrębski and main representative of Centre organizing actual annual Seminar.

11. It was established, that editorial works associated with monograph will be led by Organizer of actual Seminar together with prof. J.B. Obrębski, which will be responsible for final format of the publication - conference book.

12. It was established, that the papers destined for publication in the monograph should be reviewed minimum by two members of Scientific Committee.

13. In the publication will be printed full texts of assigned by reviewers papers. Organizers can not to publish the papers in parts (e.g. the abstracts, only). The monograph will be printed in full colours, in two columns with characters 8 point, in form of the book with ISBN number. The duty of the Organizer of the successive Seminar will be watching for matters associated with author’s rights („copyright”).

14. Prof. J.B. Obrębski was obligated him selves for covering of eventual differences of costs, following of printing the publication in high quality.

15. It was established, that will be undertaken action for creating Internet website for LSCE-IASS PC, on which will be published information concerning of permanent activity of IASS Polish Chapters and for actual LSCE seminars. The service of the website will assure Faculty of Architecture of the Wrocław University of Technology.

16. It was read over proposal of prof. M. Kamiński, to organize LSCE 2011 Seminar in town Łódź. The proposal was accepted unanimously.

17. On this the protocol was finished. Acceptation of the protocol will follow in e-mail correspondence way.


1. List of persons attending the meeting.

- associate prof. dr hab. eng. Irena Gołębiowska,
- associate prof. dr hab. eng. Jarosław Mirski,
- dr eng. Anna Barszcz,
- dr eng. Zbigniew Bieniek,
- associate prof. dr hab. eng. Leszek Małyszko,
- prof. dr hab. eng. Jan Obrębski,
- dr eng. Romuald Tarczewski.

2. List of persons, who excuse his absence and were sending letters with his support and authorization for action

- associate prof. dr hab. eng. W. Przybyło,
- associate prof. dr hab. eng. A. Reichhart,
- dr eng. M. Piekarski,
- M.Sc. eng. arch. K. Obrębski,


In e-mail of the 26.02.2011 J.B. Obrębski has suggest, that to the members of „Permanent Organizing Committee of IASS
PCs” should be includes the M.Sc. eng. Jan Tolksdorf as the chairman of one of the IASS Polish Chapter, noted by authorities of IASS.

Appendix 3.

Definition of monograph, according to regulations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, as of July 20, 2011. As a monograph should be understood a scientific study of volume of at least 10 publishing sheets, published as a book or a separate volume, discussing an issue in a comprehensive manner, original and creative. As a monograph can be accepted editions of source texts or editions of lexicography (minimum 5 publishing sheets), atlases and multifaceted maps, including the legend and issued in the form of cartographic information. The monograph should contain a scientific bibliography of and shall bear the ISBN. As a monograph shall not be considered the monographic articles published in journals, academic scripts, novels, poetry collections, collections of short stories and reportage, diaries, etc. As a "chapter in the monograph" should be understood scientific study of volume of at least one publishing sheet or a separate map. One publishing sheet means 40 000 characters (with spaces), or 800 lines of 50 characters, or 3000 sq. cm of illustrations, equations or diagrams.

Appendix 4.

Composition of the Permanent Organizing Committee of IASS Polish Chapters, approved at the General Meeting held at 7 December 2012, in Warsaw at the Military Technical Academy (WAT), after the approval
of the Statute.


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